Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Start Work Tomorrow

Hi Everyone,

Well, tomorrow will really be a big day for me. Tomorrow I go to work for the first time ever. I can't believe it. I was able to secure a job in probably the worst economy anyone's ever known, except for those of you old enough to remember the Great Depression. Anyway, I feel good since, beginning tomorrow, I will be earning a living of my own and no longer totally relying on my parents for money.

Where will I be working? From May to earlier this month, I pounded the pavement looking for any job openings. Most places had been full, or didn't have the resources to hire someone new. Then, earlier this month, I secured an interview with the employees of my college's bookstore. The interview was actually a lot easier than I expected. Instead of just me interviewing with a supervisor, there were four of us, and since they needed people to work for them, we were all hired. My employee orientation is tomorrow and lasts from 9 AM to 3:30 PM.

Really, I don't know what to expect. I've never worked anywhere before. I did some volunteer work for my church, but I didn't earn any money doing that. The jobs I do aren't so I can earn lots of money. Money is important to me, but it's not the only consideration for my job. I'd rather work at a job that I loved and earn just enough to live comfortably than earn a fortune at a job I couldn't stand. But I don't know what to expect tomorrow and truthfully, writing this, I've been a little bit nervous. What have been your experiences with your first jobs, and what things would you recommend I do? I'd like to hear your stories.

This is the Daily Reeder, Over&out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi D.R.,
    Congratulations! How uplifting to hear that your dedication to the goal of getting a job paid off even in this economically disastrous time. My first job was at a movie theater. I sold popcorn and met lots of people my age (16-18). My advice is to listen carefully to your supervisor and ask lots of questions the first week when everybody wants to help the new guy.
