Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Foxy" MSNBC Anchor Catches The Reeder's Eye

Hi Everyone,
Hope you liked that joke I started out with. That was pretty much the reason I chose the word "foxy." Anyway, today we're gonna have a little change of pace. Instead of the serious, heavy issues I usually discuss, I'll talk about a more light experience I had recently.Before I get down to business here, let me set out some background. My dad knows that I've seen a fair amount of clips from news outlets like MSNBC on youtube, since this is where I get most of what I know from. My dad mentioned to someone he worked with that I had watched MSNBC, and the guy had told him that "MSNBC is where all the stone cold foxes are." At first I didn't know what he meant. Who could he be talking about? The only female I knew of on MSNBC was Rachel Maddow, and she's nice, but not exactly a "stone cold fox."

Then I came across this video:

By the way, today presents us with another milestone; this is the first video I have posted on this blog.
The woman's name is Contessa Brewer. This segment had to do with the Palin-Letterman flap about a month ago. In it, LA area talk show host and Palin sycophant extraordinaire John Ziegler came on to extoll Palin's virtues and talk about how horrible Letterman was. In all fairness, Letterman did go too far, but the whole thing was made into more than it really was. However, that's beside the point of this post. The point is that in the interview, the guy was unbelievably smug. He probably couldn't have gone five seconds without being a condescending ass. He even started out by saying "Well, it's great to be here on the official network of Barack Obama."

Contessa took him to school, though. When the guy tried to politicize Letterman's bad jokes about Palin, Contessa pointed out that she, too, as I'm sure many women of all political varieties have, endured those kinds of tasteless remarks. Later on in the interview, Ziegler accused the MSNBC network of having "no class" somehow. If they really didn't have class, they wouldn't have let him come on the show. Then Contessa finally didn't put up with his snide, almost contemptuous attitude, saying goodbye to him, and then when he offered further condescension, she just said "Cut the mic, please." Hmmm, "Cut the mic, please?" Wow, showing courtesy even when she's offended. That's probably being nicer and showing more class than they would on a certain network I could name.

So then I knew what that guy was talking about. There is at least one woman on MSNBC who you could call a "stone cold fox," if you wanted (personally, I don't think that term works because it sounds like you're saying they're "cold" meaning nasty or mean-spirited). But not only is this woman, Contessa Brewer (Quite a name, isn't it. When's the last time you came across someone named Contessa) very pretty visually, but she's very bright, she's got journalistic integrity, and evidently, she also knows how to deal with smug fools who think they're all that. Pretty much all the best traits in a woman, don't you think? Anyway, Contessa, if you ever end up in Long Beach, CA, feel free to come on down to the Reeder's place, and you'll be welcome here. See ya guys!
This is the Daily Reeder, Over&out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi D.R.,
    Thanks for the clip. It does remind me that so many people have personal agendas when they get on the air. This guy definitely had an axe to grind, but in my opinion his smugness (as you point out) defeated his own argument.
