Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wondering How to Deal With Anti-Health Care Crowds?

Hi Everyone,

Well, last Wednesday I attended a pro-public option rally not far from my home. The amount of support we got was really heartening. There were some hostile passersby, giving thumbs down, but there were only a few of those. There were people that drove by in all kinds of cars, even someone in a tow truck, that honked to show their support. The next day, the rally did get a mention in our local paper. I wonder why the mainstream media isn't covering many of the pro-health care crowds, huh?

Anyway, are any of you wondering how to deal with anti-health care groups you may be confronted by? You may be an average citizen, or a congressperson or senator looking for ways of fending off hecklers. Well, remember from the FreedomWorks report that hecklers don't necessarily want answers; they want conflict. Nevertheless, if they ask questions, answer them in an intelligent way. In the video below, former comedian and Minnesota's newest Senator, Al Franken, shows us how to address the concerns of the "tea-bag" folks while defusing the conflict some undoubtedly sought.

Nicely handled, Al!

This is the Daily Reeder, Over&out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi D.R.,
    Good to see Al Franken in action. I liked how he found common ground with his questioners and pointed out the strengths of Minnesota health care.
