Monday, August 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye to a Lion

Hi Everyone,

Well, I know this is late in coming. On wednesday, I had to go to work, then I left that night to go visit my cousin up north, and I had to work most of yesterday, so I haven't had much time to blog. Anyway, I knew I had to blog about this matter. If Walter Cronkite deserved a special tribute, this man certainly does.

I am speaking tonight of the Late Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA). Say what you will about the Kennedys, say what you will about Ted's flaws as a person (I won't deny that he had some), I do believe that when he was working in Washington, at the end of the day, he was looking out for the common good.
He came to the Senate in 1962, and throughout his whole career, worked tirelessly on passing legislation which ensured power to the formerly powerless, and generally forwarded the common good. In spite of being known as the liberal "lion," the liberal stalwart of the Senate, he gained much respect, even some admiration, from colleagues of all political stripes. One of the last bills he passed was cosponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), which set up more ways for Americans like me to ask "What can we do for our country?"
Anyway, I can't say much more about this, not having much authority on the late Senator, so I'll just turn it over to President Obama, who was a protege of Kennedy's when he was just a teeny little US Senator from Illinois.

Let me just add one last note here. For all of Kennedy's achievements, for all the good that he did, there was one good that he worked for his whole career and life, but which eluded him throughout. This was, of course, the passage of a health care plan that would guarantee health care for all Americans. Kennedy's work did not end with his passing from this Earth. He did not end the journey; he handed the torch to us. Now it's time for us to run with it. And with that tireless spirit of hardwork and decency which guided Sen. Ted Kennedy throughout his life, I know this race can be won.

This is the Daily Reeder, Over&out.

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